Giving to GMercyU
Mercy in Motion: The Campaign for Gwynedd Mercy University
The campaign elevates our commitment to fostering positive, global change through higher education firmly rooted in Mercy. It's driven by three goals:
1) Fuel Healthcare Innovation
2) Invest in Student Success
3) Sustain Our Mercy Mission
Be a part of this historic new chapter of GMercyU >
Ways to Give
Annual Giving >
Annual giving enhances the academic and student experience, and supports areas of greatest need. Every gift of every size sustains our Mercy mission.
Scholarships >
Scholarships can transform students' lives. To establish a new scholarship, please contact Ashley Rapp at or 267-448-1356.
Planned Giving >
Make an impact now and in the future through charitable gift planning. Visit our planned giving site or contact Christina Riso at 215-542-4661 or to learn more.
Tribute or Memorial Gifts >
Make a gift in honor or memory of a special person. Each gift is listed in the register kept in the University Chapel.
Faculty/Staff Campaign >
Are you a GMercyU faculty or staff member? Support this year's Faculty/Staff campaign and help us reach 100% participation!
Schools >
Support the School of Business and Education Excellence Fund, the School of Arts and Sciences Excellence Fund, or the Frances M. Maguire School of Nursing and Health Professions Excellence Fund.
Programs >
Support Special Programs and Student Mission & Mercy Programs.
President's Excellence Fund >
Support top presidential strategic priorities, which include programming for first-generation students, faculty research, and student professional development.
Athletics >
Help elevate the student-athlete experience.
Cheerleading >
Promote your business with T-shirt Toss Sponsorships while supporting GMercyU cheerleaders.
More Ways to Give
Support a campaign by making your gift online through our secure form.
Please make your check payable to Gwynedd Mercy University and note any special designation on the memo line.
Send to:
Gwynedd Mercy University
Office of University Advancement
1325 Sumneytown Pike
PO Box 901
Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437-0901
Your gift can have an even greater impact if your company has a matching gift program. In some cases, your spouse's company may match your gift. If your company is eligible, request a matching gift from your employer, and send it completed with your gift. (Gwynedd Mercy University’s federal tax id is 23-1352613).
GMercyU accepts Gifts-In-Kind provided the gift is approved prior to donation and is related to a University program or is relevant to our mission. Gifts-In-Kind are non-monetary donations such as equipment, software, services, or other non-cash items.
Please complete the Gift-In-Kind form (PDF) and contact us with any questions at or 215-641-5568.
Gifts of appreciated securities are an excellent way to show your support, and make a difference in the lives of current and future students. Contributions received in the form of stock certificates are processed for sale. We value the stock at the market value on the date of receipt and/or the date the stock is registered to GMercyU. For accounting purposes, we record the difference between the value of the stock initially recorded and the value when sold as a gain or loss to the University’s accounts, not to the gift account.
Please complete the Gifts of Securities form (PDF), or follow the directions below.
Please send the following information to the University via fax, email, or by mail as soon as possible after the transfer of securities:
- Name of Donor(s)
- Date of Transfer
- Name of Securities
- Number of Shares
- Designation of Gift (if any)
DTC Eligible Securities
DTC #2669
Fed Eligible Securities
ABA # 071000152
For Further Credit (17-57864 / MISI610 / MISI Gift Processing)
Physical Securities
Mail securities and required documents to:
Northern Trust Co.
Trade Securities Processing
801 South Canal Street
Chicago, IL 60607
To discuss a gift of securities or personal property, please contact the Office of University Advancement at 215-542-4661.